Monday, 31 October 2011

Quiz 64:31st October 2011

Q1. Name the product that made debut at Andy Capp’s bar in Sunnyvale, California in 1972. It had just one instruction – ‘Avoid missing ball for high score’.

Q2. Name this writer-director who made his mark with his first film, “Praying with Anger”, and the story of an Indian exchange student who finds himself a stranger in his homeland. The film was named the debut film of the year at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles in 1993. Later, he wrote and directed “Wide Awake” for Miramax, which bombed at the box office. Along the way, he also wrote the script for a ‘little’ movie. Success came only with the third major movie.

Q3. ‘You have deliberately tasted two whole worms and now you can leave Oxford on the town drain’. Name the Warden of New College Oxford who said this?

Q4. Name the creature, from Homer’s Iliad, that is composed of parts from a lion, a goat and serpent.

Q5. Originally it was the name of the Aegean Sea. It acquired the meaning ‘large group of islands’ since the 16th century. What is it?

Q6. Identify.  


Q7. Connect.

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