Saturday, 1 October 2011

Quiz 35: 1st October 2011

Q1. He featured in "Delhi Heights" and is the husband of Priyanka Puri and his son's name is Veer. His real name is Jasjit Singh Gill. Identify.
Q2. It first made Rug Sacks and Uniforms for the US Army during the World War 1. Morris was the first owner and his death it went into the hands of his son Harold. It started its manufacture in Middlesex Street in London. Name this brand?
Q3. He is the son of Fluminense Footballer Dondinho. He is named after the inventor Thomas Edison. He was originally nicknamed Dico. He married Rosemeri dos Reis Cholby. Name this footballer?
Q4. In Italian it is called Ragusa and in Greek it is called Raiyia. Identify the place?
Q6. Directed by Ken Huches and based on a book by Ian Fleming. This movie was written by Roald Dahl. Name this movie?
Q7. Played with a "Colf", this game has 6 players per side. This game is played on ice. Name this game?

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