Q1. The ‘sandwich board’ was a popular form of advertising in the nineteenth century. Who was the first person to use the term ‘sandwich men’ to refer to the people who carried these boards?
Q2. As identified by MIT professor Peter Senge, the ‘Five Learning Disciplines’ is the central concept around which Bill Gates has written Business @ the speed of thought. If four of these ‘disciplines’ are ‘Personal Mastery’, ‘Mental Models’, ‘Shared Vision’ and ‘Systems Thinking’, what is the fifth?
Q3. Since Lunsford Richardson’s son was often sick with colds and the flu, he wanted to find an easy way to treat his symptoms and thereby created a natural slave made from menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. How is this preparation better known today?
Q4. One of the long-standing traditions at Coco-Cola has been that the materials required for the production of Coco-Cola have never been referred to by their names. Rather, they are referred to as ‘merchandise’ along with a serial number. So what is the merchandise #1?
Q5. Identify the movie
· We were warned
· John Cusack
· David Brenner
· Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar
Q6. Identify.
Q7. Connect ‘Cerdric’ and
1)Charles Dickens
4 Cola
7) the actress in twilight saga